Tacrolimus (Topical)

Long-term Safety of Topical Calcineurin Inhibitors Has Not Been Established

  • Although a causal relationship has not been established, rare cases of malignancy (e.g., skin and lymphoma) have been reported in patients treated with topical calcineurin inhibitors, including PROTOPIC Ointment.
  • Continuous long-term use of topical calcineurin inhibitors, including PROTOPIC Ointment, in any age group should be avoided, and application limited to areas of involvement with atopic dermatitis.
  • PROTOPIC Ointment is not indicated for use in children less than 2 years of age. Only 0.03% PROTOPIC Ointment is indicated for use in children 2-15 years of age.

Patient counseling


Medical guidelines

Package inserts

Additional information

Keywords: Protopic
Updated: January 2018